May the Fourth be with you.

Always been a big fan of seasons. Something about the change that’s refreshing. Sure, 75 and sunny sounds nice during those transitional weather events, but you know what they say about too much of a good thing…

On that note, it’s been about a month since I’ve focused on getting away from grasp of social media. I still use my laptop to check Facebook for messages about items I have for sale on marketplace (buy my sled) and occasionally open IG to quickly see if I have any important messages in my inbox, which I don’t. Screen time on my phone is around 2.5 hours a day now from pretty much just emails, texts, and some random web browsings.

I’ve read one book and started another.

I also started a new job at electronics manufacturing company. Think soldering and microscopes.

There’s been some good changes in the mix, which I think means it’s been a good spring.

Here We Are

Howdy Folks.

Wanted to say thank you for sharing your email addresses with me in the hopes of staying connected outside of social media.

I’ve gone through a real love-hate relationship with social media, namely Instagram and Facebook, over the last few years. Sure, it’s a great way to share things, but between plummeting reach and the constant allure of scrolling, I felt my self really slipping into a darkness.

Over the last year, my daily average of screen time was at least 8 hours, and that was just on my phone. Large majority of that came from Instagram and Facebook, which is insane and a gross waste of time.

Long story short, I’ve decided to make a change. Reclaim my time and do things differently, so here we are.

Since I decided to go this route, a few ideas have come through the brain waves on what this will look like moving forward, but I’m also going to keep things loose and just run with it and probably make a couple posts a month.

I’m also figuring out the features and functionality square space offers for blog like content, so each post will be a new adventure, or we’ll find something that works and run with it. If you have any ideas for what you’d like to see from me, shoot me a message. Zero guarantees I’ll follow through with your idea, but I’ll read them, at least.

Anyways, I don’t have any new latest and greatest photo bangers from this month, so here’s a few from my first big international trip 5 years ago in April of 2019. By rough estimates, I’ve taken 64,000 more photos since this trip. That’s pretty wild.

Thanks again.

Looking at Table Mountain above Cape Town from Robben Island (where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned)

Drone photo of Plettenberg Bay.

Cape Town Harbor.

Paragliding over Cape Town.